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LeetCode 28. Implement strStr() - Python LeetCode28. Implement strStr() Implement strStr(). Return the index of the first occurrence of needle in haystack, or -1 if needle is not part of haystack. Example 1: Input: haystack = "hello", needle = "ll" Output: 2 Example 2: Input: haystack = "aaaaa", needle = "bba" Output: -1 Solution class Solution(object): def strStr(self, haystack, needle): """ :type haystack: str :type needle: str :rtyp.. 2020. 3. 28.
[Probability] 1. Probability - Problems Probability Probability Problems Concepts Probability: a numerical description of how likely an eventis to occur or how likely it is that a proposition is true. (Wikipedia) Combination: A combination is a selection of objects where order is not important. Permutation: A permutation is an arrangement of objects in a definite order. Problems 1. In how many different ways can a true-false test cons.. 2020. 3. 27.
2020 Spring Semester Courses 1. Data Visualization 2. Text Mining 3. Probability & Analytics 1. Data Visualization Project midterm evaluation 50%, final evaluation 50% 2. Text Mining Midterm exam 40%, final exam 40%, assignment 10%, Participation 10% 3. Probability & Analytics Final exam 80%, Assignment 20%, 2020. 3. 26.
[Python 기초] 문자열 (String) 문자열이란? 문자열(String)이란 문자, 단어 등으로 구성된 문자들의 집합을 의미한다. 따옴표로 둘러싸여 있으면 모두 문자열이라고 보면 된다. 예를 들어 다음과 같은 것들이 문자열이다. "Life is too short, You need Python" "a" "123" 문자열 인덱싱과 슬라이싱 #문자열 인덱싱이란? 인덱싱이란 무엇인가를 '가리킨다'라는 의미입니다. 인덱싱은 문자열을 배열처럼 쓰는 것으로 이해하면 됩니다. "파이썬은 0부터 숫자를 센다." >>> a = "Life is too short" a[0]:'L', a[1]:'i', a[2]:'f', a[3]:'e', a[4]:' ', ... 0부터 숫자를 센다는 것이 처음에는 익숙하지 않겠지만, 위 예에서 볼 수 있듯이 a[번호]는 문자열 안의.. 2020. 3. 22.