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Python/Data Structure & Algorithm in Python

[Python 기초] 연결리스트 (Linked List)

by Air’s Big Data 2020. 8. 10.

class Node: #define function called 'Node'
    def __init__(self, item) : 
        self.val = item #save item in 'val' and this node is the head of linked list
        self.next = None #'next' means the other node
def add(self, item): 
    cur = self.head
    while cur.next is not None: #cur.next is not None so goes next
        cur = cur.next
    cur.next = Node(item) #since the next is none, generate new node
def printlist(self):
    cur = self.head
    while cur is not None:
        cur = cur.next
def reverse(self):
    prev = None #make a variable '(0)prev'
    cur = self.head
    while cur is not None: #repeat till cur is none
        next = cur.next
        cur.next = prev #cur.next goes to (0)prev
        prev = cur #prev goes to (1)cur
        cur = next #cur gose to (2)next
    self.head = prev



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