Studies & Courses/NLP & Text Mining

[Text Mining] Text Classification

Air’s Big Data 2020. 5. 24. 20:08


• Text Classification
• Naïve Bayes
– Formalizing the Naïve Bayes Classifier
– Naïve Bayes: Learning
– Multinomial Naive Bayes: A Worked Example
• Precision, Recall, and the F measure
• Text Classification – Evaluation


Text Classification

 Classification: assigning a class or category to an input
– e.g., "What is the subject of this article?"
• Text categorization
– Assigning a label to an entire text or document
– subject categories or topics labels
• Sentiment analysis
– Sentiment: the positive or negative orientation that a writer expresses toward some object
– e.g., “like”, “hate”, “neutral” 
- "Positive or negative movie review?"
• Spam detection
– the binary classification task of assigning an email to spam or not-spam 
• Authorship attribution (저자 판별)
– determining a text’s author
– e.g., "Who wrote which Federalist papers?"
• Age/gender identification
– e.g., "Male or female author?"
• Genre-detection
– e.g., "editorials" "movie-reviews" "news“
• Language Identificationa

Text Classification: definition

• Input:
– a document d
– a fixed set of classes C = {c1, c2,..., cJ}
• Output: a predicted class c ∈ C

Classification Methods: Handwritten rules

• Rules based on combinations of words or other features 
– spam: black-list-address OR (“dollars” AND “have been selected”)
• Accuracy can be high
– If rules carefully refined by expert
• But building and maintaining these rules is expensive

Classification Methods: Supervised Machine Learning

• Input:
– a document d
– a fixed set of classes C = {c1, c2,..., cJ}
– A training set of m hand-labeled documents (Supervised) 
• Output:
– a learned classifier γ:d  → c
 No free lunch: requires hand-classified training data 
But data can be built up (and refined) by amateurs


Representing text for classification

- What is the best representation for the document d being classified?

- Simplest useful


Classification Methods: Supervised Machine Learning

Any kind of classifier

Naïve Bayes

Logistic regression

Support-vector machines

k-Nearest Neighbors

Naïve Bayes Intuition

Simple (“naïve”) classification method based on Bayes rule

Relies on very simple representation of document

Bag of words (단어의 위치보다는 몇 번 나왔는가?, 하위 개념 : set(집합)) 


The Bag of Words Representation

Bayes’ Rule Applied to Documents and Classes

For a document d and a class c

기억해 두기!

To break down any conditional probability into three other probabilities

Allows us to swap the conditioning P(c|d) ↔ P(d|c) (예) P(질병|증상) ↔ P(증상|질병) 

Sometimes easier to estimate one kind of dependence than the other



Naïve Bayes Classifier

값을 최대로 만드는 카테고리를 찾겠다고 하는게 CMAP 

MAP : MaximumMaximum A Posteriori



O(|X|n|C|) parameters

Could only be estimated if a very, very large number of training examples was available.


Multinomial Naïve Bayes Independence Assumptions

Bag of Words assumption:

Assume position doesn’t matter

Conditional Independence assumption 
(naïve Bayes assumption):

Assume the feature probabilities P(xi|cj) are independent given the class c.

모델을 다룰 수 있는 형태로 하기 위해 영향을 안 준다고 '가정'

체인룰로 풀어야 하나 영향을 안 준다고 가정하기 때문에 독립으로 표현

위와 같은 곱하기는 ∏ (product)로 표현


Multinomial Naïve Bayes Classifier

Naïve Bayes 


Naïve Bayes: Classifying

positions  all word positions in test document       

(예시) 정치의 확률값, 경제의 확률값, 과학의 확률값 중 가장 큰 것이 정치라면 해당 카테고리는 정치 카테고리가 된다. 


Training the Naïve Bayes Classifier

First attempt: maximum likelihood estimates

simply use the frequencies in the data

사전 확률

(예) 정치 = 2/100 = 0.2



(예) P(대통령|정치) = 대통령 단어 수 / 정치 카테고리의 모든 단어의 수 


Problem with Maximum Likelihood

What if we have seen no training documents with the word “fantastic” and classified as “positive”?

Zero probabilities will cause the probability of the class to be zero, no matter the other evidence!



Laplace (add-1) smoothing for Naïve Bayes

add1 :모든 카운트에 1씩 더하라

확률의 총합이 1이 넘기 때문에 V(Vocabulary)의 총합을 분모에 둠


Handling unknown words and stop words

Unknown words (미등록어)

Words that occur in our test data but are not in our vocabulary (not occur in any training document)

The solution is to ignore them – remove them from the test document and not include any probability for them at all

Stop words

Very frequent words like the and a

Stop word list

 · By sorting the vocabulary by frequency in the training set, and defining the top 10-100 vocabulary entries as stop words

· By using one of the many pre-defined stop word list available online

Simply removed from both training and test documents

However, using a stop word list doesn’t improve performance
   it is more common to not use a stop word list